PEMF mat

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy To Treat Fractures

What is PEMF?

PEMF is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy that complements other therapies and, when combined with a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet, can help speed the healing process.

To apply PEMF therapy, an electric current passes through a copper coil which produces a magnetic field. This has been incorporated into various types of devices, with the full therapy mat being the most effective and widely used device. Either lie down on the PEMF mat or place the applicator in the area to be treated. PEMFs enter the body targeting muscle tissue, cells, and even bone.

At Full Circle Health Network, we offer the full body mat as well as a localized PEMF band that targets specific areas of concern. For example, if you are experiencing neck pain, the band will sit on the back of your neck while you relax on the full body mat snuggled under one of our Hush blankets.

What can PEMF help treat?

Since cellular reaction takes place in every body, magnetic fields are not condition specific. As a result, PEMF therapy can be used to help the majority of conditions. In fact, clinical studies have shown that PEMF therapy is able to:

  • Increase in circulation
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Acceleration of bone healing
  • Improve muscle function
  • Reduce the effects of stress
  • Improve blood oxygenation, and much more

PEMF Therapy to Treat Tracture

Despite extensive research on fracture treatment, a significant percentage of patients continue to experience delayed fracture union and non-union. For this reason, new invasive bone stimulation therapies have been introduced such as percutaneous electrical stimulation), as well as non-invasive strategies, including pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). Different studies have highlighted the effectiveness of PEMF, although there have also been conflicting results. Nevertheless, a recent meta-analysis demonstrated that PEMF increases the rate of bone repair and is effective in relieving fracture pain.

Action Mechanism

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy involves the use of a coil in which an electric current generates a magnetic field, which in turn induces a flow of electrical charges in biological tissues. In 2018, Yuan, Xin & Jiang reviewed the principles and cellular mechanisms of action involved in bone repair based on PEMF therapy. Basically, PEMF produces a piezoelectric effect from which cell repair stimuli are generated. The same phenomenon is triggered by the mechanical loads to which the bone is exposed and which provide the necessary stimulus to initiate the biological response. This response involves different signaling pathways (Ca+, WNT/beta-catenin, MAPK, FGF and VEGF, TGF beta/BMP, among others), which depend on the electrical gradients generated by the application of PEMF. According to the authors, the molecules and their respective signaling pathways increase the number of osteoblasts and their maturation, increase the proliferation and tubulization of endothelial cells – both phenomena being essential for osteogenesis and angiogenesis. On the other hand, the amplitude of the electromagnetic field generated exerts a direct influence on the resulting piezoelectric effect. Likewise, this effect depends on the tissue surrounding the site of injury. Therefore: what would happen if we treated a fracture with a high intensity electromagnetic field? The molecules and their respective signaling pathways increase the number of osteoblasts and their maturation, increase the proliferation and tubulization of endothelial cells – both phenomena being essential for osteogenesis and angiogenesis. On the other hand, the amplitude of the electromagnetic field generated exerts a direct influence on the resulting piezoelectric effect. Likewise, this effect depends on the tissue surrounding the site of injury. Therefore: what would happen if we treated a fracture with a high intensity electromagnetic field? The molecules and their respective signaling pathways increase the number of osteoblasts and their maturation, increase the proliferation and tubulization of endothelial cells – both phenomena being essential for osteogenesis and angiogenesis. On the other hand, the amplitude of the electromagnetic field generated exerts a direct influence on the resulting piezoelectric effect. Likewise, this effect depends on the tissue surrounding the site of injury. Therefore: what would happen if we treated a fracture with a high intensity electromagnetic field? Amplitude of the generated electromagnetic field exerts a direct influence on the resulting piezoelectric effect. Likewise, this effect depends on the tissue surrounding the site of injury. Therefore: what would happen if we treated a fracture with a high intensity electromagnetic field? Amplitude of the generated electromagnetic field exerts a direct influence on the resulting piezoelectric effect. Likewise, this effect depends on the tissue surrounding the site of injury. Therefore: what would happen if we treated a fracture with a high intensity electromagnetic field?

New Trends: High Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Field.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is considered a low-intensity technique, as the devices used normally generate field amplitudes of 5–500 mT. In contrast, high-intensity systems normally exceed 1 T. For example, BTL Industries’ Super Inductive System (SIS) generates a 2.5 T magnetic field which provides high penetrating ability and high effect power. Both high and low current systems operate in a low frequency spectrum, eliminating the possibility of any heating effects. It should be mentioned that low frequencies are capable of generating action potentials at a certain intensity. However, low-intensity PEMF mat are unable to produce depolarization, because the wave amplitude is very low. On the other hand, high-intensity systems such as SIS are able to produce depolarization and thus trigger motor and/or sensory responses. Thus, in addition to activating the aforementioned signaling pathways, SIS can activate muscles and generate analgesic effects with peripheral nerve stimulation. With regard to the treatment of fractures, taking into account the amplitude of the wave, one can expect that the same signaling pathways are activated, but in a more efficient way (this implies a significant shortening of the time of treatment, as well as an amplification of the desired effect). Process times described for conventional PEMF systems range from 30 minutes to one hour.


Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been used for decades to treat fractures, shorten repair times, and promote healing in delays and non-unions. High-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field systems have been developed in recent years, including BTL Industries’ SIS. In addition to obtaining the same effects as traditional PEMF devices Like PEMF Mat this system offers other advantages (motor and sensory stimulation), as well as a significant shortening of treatment time and a greater ability to penetrate the magnetic field. These qualities define the SIS as an effective and efficient device as a co-adjuvant in the treatment of fractures, delayed consolidations and non-unions.

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