Brown discharge instead of a period can have several reasons, but in most cases it is harmless. Often it is spotting or blood mixed with vaginal
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There are some differences that can be noticed between the different vagina types. The vagina refers to the internal sex organ of the woman and the

Nowadays, fashion and trends have been changing every year. People love to follow the trend even if they don’t have the requirements. Plastic surgery is

VERY AFFORDABLE! PEMF system is the cheapest and most modern large format for home use. It includes: a touchpad with Android-based control software, a foldable full-body

What is PEMF? PEMF is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy that complements other therapies and, when combined with a combination of regular exercise and a healthy

Threptin biscuits have no negative effects and are completely safe. Overeating, on the other hand, might have negative consequences. Among the numerous negative effects are:

Do you ever get a craving for a slate pencil or chalk? Or are you a chalk lover overall? If you’re still not sure whether

The piriformis muscle travels from your sacrum to your thigh bone and is tough to reach. It can cause agonizing pain when it pushes against

Are you looking for a solution to the question “How To Get Rid Of A Hanging Belly After A C-section”? Following the pregnancy, there is

Learn how to bruise yourself There are skins which are more fragile than others and which react even to the slightest shock. If you want